What a way to start the YEAR!!!

Feb 01, 2011

I have been so overwhelmed with all that has occurred in this month. What started out as looking bleak has turned out to be an amazing move of the right hand of God!!!

I truly could go on for hours and hours about the stories. With so much to share, I will try to keep it brief.

A wonderful couple in South Carolina shared information about a hand dug bore hole well. Basically, a well that works just like a big, auger drilled well, but is man powered!

In our quest to teach the men in Gaza how to dig wells and send them out to dig wells throughout Mozambique, it sounded like an amazing idea, definitely a God sent revelation. The ground is perfect (all sand with no rocks). The basic system with auger bits was just under $1,000 USD. A few plumbing supplies purchased in Maputo ($150). I was off to Chibuto with 4 men as my new drill team. Monday started swiftly...16 meters done. Very laborious process when you get deeper and deeper, and very hot summer sun makes for exhausting work.

Wednesday, one of the men comes and explains that if we do not hire the local village elders and witch doctor to come and perform the ancestral ceremony, the water would never come. Felito, bless his grace, kindly smiled and explained that we have prayed to the Great Almighty God and He will bring the water.

Thursday, 23 meters down. Phew, that sand gets heavy when its wet!!! Hallelujah! The exclamations of joy could be heard all across the land. They started bringing up wet sand. These men could not contain the elation; they broke out into praise and worship songs and dancing. They chattered on about how nice it would be to have a well in their village. What an amazing blessing and gift.

Meanwhile, Fernando the architect was in meetings with the local building office. Back in July, the local building office assessed the initial building plans and explained for all that we wanted to build in the center it would be approximately $18,000 USD to get a blanket permit to cover everything. Of course that was simply an estimate. We would have to submit the plans to every appropriate department before we could get a final price. Through December and January the Fernando and Felito have been hard at work sending the plans through all of the departments. For example, the clinic was assessed by the health department, the schools were sent through the school board and administration, the Houses of Hope were sent through child welfare services. When I returned at the beginning of January, Felito explained that all of the departments required have seen and approved all of the plans. The final bill for the total permits has been tallied and must be paid right away. Talk about God's favor raining down $1,737. Yes, that is right! Not a typo. The permits are being issued today as I type this out. How is that for affirmation that we are on the right path?

The first build teams come at the end of March to build two Houses of Hope and a director house. I am overwhelmed at the amazing progress. Some days look like bits-n-pieces. Some days are amazing strides. Be blessed and enjoy the love!

Category: Center of Hope

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