Your prayerful support is always appreciated. From time to time we list goals or programs that we are praying about. You will find them located to the right under prayer requests. Again, your prayers are a extremely important and much appreciated.
Your donations come in many shapes and sizes.
Financial donations can be made securely online with a debit or credit card. If you would like to become a partner and share in our vision, monthly recurring donations are optional as well by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button. All donations are tax deductible. Email receipts will be supplied for all electronic donations. Any checks received in the mail will receive a paper receipt in the mail. If something different is desired, please email us to let us know.
Donations of services and talents are a generous gesture. Too many times people shrink back from their calling because they feel they have nothing to offer, that perhaps their skills are not needed. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Almighty has blessed you with many trades and skills to provide a well rounded and happily balanced world. Plumbers, carpenters, electricians, administrators, writers, etc. are all needed in the mission field. If you are interested in donating your services or talents, please contact us using the contact information below.
Donations of goods are always appreciated. As the projects grow and diversify, the needs also diversify. Appliances, automobiles, books, office supplies, etc. There are many ways to sow seeds into the kingdom. If you are interested in donating materials, please contact us using the contact information below.
By The Way Missions, Inc.
4961 Sundance Dr
Independence, KY 41051
(859) 250-0161